Welcome to the Parking Minute!
The Parking Minute is a (mostly) daily dose of parking content written by Tony Jordan.
Tony Jordan is a parking reformer based in Portland, Oregon. As the founder of Portlanders for Parking Reform (https://pdxshoupistas.com), Tony has organized campaigns to eliminate minimum parking requirements, oppose publicly funded parking garages, and implement performance-based management of public parking at the curb.
Parking policy impacts housing affordability, climate action, transportation safety, and public policy. New mobility options like e-scooters, dockless bike share, and autonomous vehicles allow us to imagine a future with much less demand for car parking and that narrative creates a window of opportunity to enact parking reforms that will make a better future much more likely.
The Parking Minute will keep you up-to-date on parking news, including technological advances and parking policy innovations around the world. But more importantly, readers of The Parking Minute will be prepared to make the best arguments for parking reform in their city. The Parking Minute provides the links, the memes, and the talking points; you provide the energy to make changes in your community.
You can find The Parking Minute here on the web, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email subscription. Content will be mostly the same on all networks, so subscribe or follow however is most convenient for you.
Well, it looks like our first minute is about up. Have a great day, we’ll see you again tomorrow.