In a few days I’m heading to San Francisco for the National Planning Conference. I was on a panel a few years ago for the Oregon/Washington Joint Planning Conference, but this is my first time attending the American Planning Association’s annual event.
On Sunday I will on a panel for an interactive session titled Parking Maximums: Development Barriers and Opportunities. I’ll be joined by fellow parking reformers Lindsay Bayley and Jane Wilberding, who developed the great Better Parking 101 handout. We’ll have a friendly debate about parking maximums with Ranadip Bose and Malek Abdulsamad, who will bring a developer/finance perspective to the conversation.
Professor Donald Shoup is included on two sessions Saturday that I definitely plan to check out: Zoning Reforms to Boost ADU Development and a panel on Parking and the City.
There are several other parking sessions, including: From Parking Lots to Places, A Decade of Demand Responsive Parking, and Valuing and Managing the Public Right-of-Way.
I’ll be taking notes and dispatching a few Parking Minutes from the conference. If you’re attending and would like to meet up to talk about parking reform (or whatever), please get in touch!
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